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Chain reactions after the arson at the police station

Minister, prefect, mayor, senator… the burning last night of several national police vehicles in front of the police station led to a succession of reactions condemning this act described as ‘retaliation’ on the part of local drug traffickers.

“This night around 5 a.m., several individuals set fire to the police vehicles parked in front of the Cavaillon police station,” Thierry Suquet, the prefect of , said this afternoon. Four police vehicles were destroyed by fire. The fire spread to the facade of the police station and to an adjoining business. Thanks to the rapid intervention of the firefighters, the fire was quickly contained. The facade of the police station was damaged and the building was filled with smoke, however the damage inside was relatively minor. None of the three officials present in the police station were injured. Five other individuals who were in police custody in the police station’s jails were transferred to the police headquarters. A family had to evacuate their home due to the smoke, but was able to return in the morning. »

“These events that have occurred strengthen the determination of state services to eradicate drug trafficking in Cavaillon. »

Thierry Suquet, prefect of Vaucluse

The intensification of the fight against drug trafficking at the origin of this attack?
“This event,” adds the prefect of Vaucluse, “occurs at a time when the police are currently carrying out particularly offensive actions against drug trafficking, with a ‘square net’ operation which took place a few days ago, 25 arrests, 6 kilos of cocaine and 15 kilos of cannabis seized since the beginning of September. The events that occurred early this morning strengthen the determination of state services to eradicate drug trafficking and return the residents of Cavaillon the public tranquility to which they are entitled. These actions will in no way hinder the action of the services. »
“Thus,” recalls Thierry Suquet, “even as these events were occurring, the police were in action to dismantle a squat near Avenue de la Libération, whose links with drug trafficking have been proven. »
To conclude, the State representative in Vaucluse insists: “As of late morning, the police station has resumed part of its activities. »

Same indignation for Gérard Daudet, the mayor of Cavaillon who “firmly condemns these unacceptable acts and obviously provides all my support to the police who are on the ground on a daily basis, as well as to the merchant and affected families. I let the investigators carry out their work to find the perpetrators who the justice system must severely condemn. »

“I will not give up in the face of violence and drug trafficking. »

Gérard Daudet, mayor of Cavaillon

Recruitment of 3 additional municipal police officers
“These events occur while the police are intensifying their efforts to combat drug trafficking in Cavaillon, efforts which have already led to significant drug seizures and several arrests,” confirms the elected Cavare official. My determination to eradicate crime alongside our national police will not waver. During my exchange with the Minister of the Interior, I received confirmation that police actions will continue to increase in this direction. »

“As of this morning, in conjunction with the prefecture and the police services, a squat on the outskirts of town was evacuated. I will not give up in the face of violence and drug trafficking,” concluded Gérard Daudet, who also recalls that for several weeks he has already been engaged in “the recruitment of three additional agents for the municipal police and reinforced the police presence in city ​​center in order to fight even more effectively against insecurity and incivility. »

“Hit hard, resist and stand up in the face of retaliation!” »

Jean-Baptiste Blanc, senator of Vaucluse

For his part, the senator from Vaucluse Jean-Baptiste Blanc insists on his desire to “Hit hard, resist and stand up in the face of reprisals” as part of the fight against drug trafficking in Cavaillon.
The parliamentarian continues: “The arson attack last night will only collectively strengthen our resolve. As Senator of this territory, I would like to reaffirm here my unconditional support for the police, local authorities and all those who are involved daily in this difficult fight. We will fight this battle tirelessly, because we have the responsibility to protect our fellow citizens and restore republican order in Cavaillon. »

A few days ago, the national police made 9 arrests in Cavaillon. This vast operation to combat drug trafficking led to the seizure of 3kg of cocaine, 2.5kg of cannabis and weapons. Credit: National Police/Facebook/DR

Up to 20 years in prison for these criminal acts?
“I would like to salute the unfailing commitment of Gérard Daudet, mayor of Cavaillon, elected officials, the national police and municipal police, as well as state services,” continues Jean-Baptiste Blanc. Together, they are leading with determination an essential battle to restore security and serenity in Cavaillon. These reprisals demonstrate that our actions hit where it hurts. We will continue the fight, with strength and perseverance, alongside all those who refuse to leave our city in the hands of traffickers. Justice will be served. An investigation was immediately opened by the judicial police, under the authority of the Avignon public prosecutor. The perpetrators of this criminal act, described as ‘destruction by dangerous means’, face up to 20 years in prison. »

“An attack on our institutions. »

Bruno Retailleau, Minister of the Interior

Finally for Bruno Retailleau, the Minister of the Interior: “The State will not allow itself to be intimidated and we will intensify our fight against drug banditry. I will place the fight against organized crime at the center of my concerns because it constitutes an attack on our institutions.”
The Minister of the Interior, who asked Nicolas Daragon, his minister responsible for security, to go there, also confirmed the sending of a unit of mobile forces from the CRS 81 in order to reinforce and support the police security action. More particularly in the city of Dr Ayme, but also in the other cities of Cavaillon.


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