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: police cars burned following anti-drug operations

33 place du Clos in (). Here is the address of the police station in front of which four police vehicles were set on fire around 5 a.m., on the night of Tuesday October 8 to Wednesday October 9. The flames then spread to the front of the police premises, who were forced to evacuate the premises. Five people who were in police custody were transferred to an police station. The smoke caused by the fire also led to residents of a neighboring building being treated by emergency services. No injuries were reported.

According to for the Alliance police union, this act was allegedly committed “ in retaliation for several net equity operations “. On BFM TV, William Maury, national Night delegate of the Alliance Police nationale union, gave credence to this thesis: “ We are thinking of reprisals because we have had quite a few clear-cut operations carried out in the city of Dr Ayme, there are quite a few weapons and narcotics which have been seized in the last 48 hours and we thinks that these are arson attacks which may have been declared following yet another arrest. »


The day before, the Cavaillon police officers had made three arrests, including the tenant of a box in which 1 kg of cocaine and 4.5 kg of cannabis were found, but also three shotguns, a small caliber weapon and various ammunition.

This case would therefore once again be linked to drug trafficking. It shows how much space narco-banditry has taken up on French territory, even in towns with less than thirty thousand inhabitants, but also to what extent these networks feel powerful and untouchable.

Bénédicte Auzanot, MP (RN) for the second constituency of Vaucluse, talks about the event for BV: “ There needs to be an investigation [elle a été ouverte par le parquet d’Avignon pour destruction, détérioration ou dégradation du bien par moyen dangereux pour les personnes, commise en raison de la qualité de la personne dépositaire de l’autorité publique de son propriétaire ou utilisateur, NDLR] but if it is indeed traffickers who are behind this act, it shows that they are not afraid of much and that the justice system is too lenient with them. » For her, this affair is also a sign that drug dealers “ want to test the authority of the state, test its strength or weakness ».

Meanwhile in

Seventy-five kilometers away, in Marseille, the DZ mafia seems in the same state of mind. This Wednesday, October 9, this cartel from the northern neighborhoods published a video to deny its involvement in the murder of Nessim Ramdane, shot dead by a 14-year-old hitman, on the night of October 3 to 4. The gang’s spokesperson said: “ Today’s press release is made with the intention of reestablishing the truth. First of all, we send our sincere condolences to the family of the deceased, wishing them strength and courage in their trials. […] The DZ Mafia is not directly or indirectly involved with what happened. » He adds: “ Today, our name has become a brand used by many malicious and malicious people who have nothing to do with us. » You have to see it to believe it, the DZ mafia does not want its reputation to be tarnished.

…and provocations

By communicating in this way and worrying about what people will say, she normalizes her activity and proves that she is less afraid of the police and justice than of rumors that could weaken her business. In these two examples, the dealers provoke and challenge the State, they show that they are the strongest. Proof that the clean-sheet operations, established by Gérald Darmanin when he was head of the Ministry of the Interior, are far from having had the desired effect.

Faced with this observation, Bénédicte Auzanot asks for more firmness: “ We will have to strike quickly and hard with exemplary sentences that can discourage and give doubt to drug traffickers. They need to understand that they are risking a lot. The State must be intractable. »Is he capable of it? The question is asked.

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