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Interview with the group Ben & Mylène, to be discovered at Florida this weekend

Behind the group Ben & Mylène, in concert at Florida this weekend, there are Benjamin Martin and Mylène Groussia, and their musical influences. Encounter.

Before Ben & Mylène, there was Anahata, the first project of two 100% artists. Since January 2023, they have lent their first names to their brand new group, alongside guitarist Damien Goizet, bassist Manu Koumba and drummer Adrien Vezzoli (“called José”, the musicians joke). In concert this Saturday, October 12 at 8:30 p.m. at the Florida, they intend to sell out, with the reinforcement of brass instruments. Ben and Mylène agreed to talk to us about their musical world, supported from time to time by Damien and Adrien who come and go to install their equipment on stage.

The first concert you saw?

Mylène: I was 13 years old, it was the German group Tokio Hotel, I went to see them at the zenith in ! The first concert I went to voluntarily, without my parents!

Ben : The Naked Jerks, a group from Agen… which I later joined! It was my first group, with my friends.

Damien : Lenny Kravitz in . I took the beating of my life.

Adrien : A French hip hop group had a particular impact on me: Saïan Supa Crew.

When you write your texts, do you have habits, a ritual, a process?

Ben : Frankly, it comes as it comes. I don’t have a specific habit, but once, we wanted to challenge ourselves. It was December, we made our own Advent calendar for a song. Every day, we set ourselves a task to accomplish. Write the lyrics, the music, record the instrumental, shoot a music video, edit…

Mylène: At one time, I might have had a way of doing things, but now I don’t impose any rules on myself at all. Usually I do the lyrics first. Once I disagreed with Ben on something. A little angry, I wrote a text. I showed him, he immediately found the music for me. And before Ben & Mylène, in 2020, during the first confinement, the weather was nice in spring, I wanted to write a song that gives the impression of going on vacation on the Landes road. I needed to be outside, in the sun, to be able to create it. And that gave “Grain of sand”!

A concert that you gave that left an impression on you?

Ben : We did the Festi’zak, in Haute-, last month, it was completely crazy! The audience was super hot.

Mylène: They hadn’t just consumed water! We’re more pop rock oriented, but they welcomed us like we were a punk band! They offered us a pogo, the emblematic punk dance where everyone jostles. A guy climbed to the top of a pole that held the marquee in place!

Damien : We played in Cahors in August, there weren’t many people, but it was one of the best concerts we could have done. We had quite a connection with this audience.

An emblematic place where you dream of performing?

Mylène: The Olympia, for the mythical side… Having your name in red letters on the pediment, that must be incredible to experience.

Ben : Our Armandie stadium! Being able to fill it up for a concert would be fun. Like those artists who “come home” after having made big scenes.

Damien : I’ve always dreamed of playing at Florida… Stadiums are great, but with small venues, you find an intimacy with the public. Otherwise, the Olympia, yes, it wouldn’t be bad.

An artist or group you would like to collaborate with?

Ben : Matthieu Chédid. It’s one of our inspirations, we like his use of words. Or, for me, Deluxe, a French electropop group.

Mylène: Michael Jackson if he was still in this world! And The Empress, I love this training.


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