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Catherine Frot had a hard time with the violent criticism against her during the release of a film that changed her career

In 2004, Catherine Frot surprised the public by revealing herself in a dramatic feature film, entitled Viper in the fist. While she has just won the César for best actress for her role in the film Chaostwo years earlier, she decided to take on a more serious role, that of Folcoche, in the adaptation of the eponymous novel by Hervé Bazin. Guest on the show In Apartthe actress returned to this complicated period of her life, victim of the odious character to whom she lent her features.

It was very hard what was thrown back at me.” : Catherine Frot had a bad experience with the release of the film Vipère au fist, she confides on the subject

After having lent her features to Pierrette Dumortier in the comedy The AmateurCatherine Frot plays a completely opposite character a few years later, that of a woman nicknamed Folcoche. Both complex and psychological, the film tells the story of two boys mistreated by their mother, played by Catherine Frot. An odious woman who does not hesitate to stick her fork in the hands of her sons and mistreat them every day… In In ApartCatherine Frot remembers the very gripping shoot: “Very very hard… The novel is so exceptional. It was Philippe de Broca, whom I knew a little at the time, who told me ‘Come on Catherine’.”, she testifies, before adding that, however, everything went well during filming: “The children who had to suffer… but we had a lot of fun“. The actress experienced a real blow when the film was released at the box office, she explains: “It was the press that said ‘But what is Catherine Frot doing in this film?’ Me, I was very unhappy when the film came out, it was very harsh what was sent back to me, absolute counter-employment, what a mistake… Well, it’s true that Alice Sapritch on TV made an impact, she had a great face… But it was something else, time had passed and I had great pleasure, that was all quite interesting“.

Don’t be afraid, we don’t mean you any harm“: Catherine Frot reveals having received many letters from children because of her role in Viper in the fist

After the release of Philippe de Broca’s film, Catherine Frot explains that she received many letters. In the same show, she remembers: “I have never received so many letters in my life as for this film. Letters from teenagers… ‘Madame Frot, don’t be afraid, we don’t mean you any harm, stop with the forks’. There was an impressive compassion for me, and for the character, because, at that age, we mix“. If Folcoche scared more than one, Catherine Frot, herself a mother, assures that behind the scenes the children in the film still had a lot of fun.

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