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“The little Arab votes Mélenchon”: the exit of Gérald Darmanin, believing that the presidential camp was “bad on discrimination”

the essential
The former Minister of the Interior made his political comeback this Sunday. The next day, Gérald Darmanin was invited to Inter and tried his hand at a very personal analysis of the latest actions of the presidential camp.

It’s only been a few days since Gérald Darmanin left his ministry at Place Beauvau, and here is the former minister who is very willing to let go of some confidences. The former Minister of the Interior – once again a simple deputy from the North – made his political return to this Sunday, September 29, and the person concerned delivered a very personal analysis on the actions of the presidential camp in recent years and on the situation of the current political landscape.

“To be very quick, the little white guy votes Le Pen, and the little Arab guy votes Mélenchon,” says @GDarmanin. “A lot of people feel discriminated against, sometimes wrongly, sometimes rightly. We have not been able to correct the house arrest that we denounced,” he says. #le710inter

— France Inter (@franceinter)

“To be very quick, the little white guy votes for Le Pen, and the little Arab guy votes for Mélenchon because we are very bad about discrimination,” commented the elected official on France Inter this Monday, September 30. This Sunday, in the same tone, the former minister also affirmed that “no one can accept the democratic shipwreck of popular France which throws itself into the arms of the community demagoguery of the extremes which divide us, leaving little white vote for Le Pen and le p’tit Beur vote for Gaza”.

A club launched by the former minister

Gérald Darmanin also attempted an analysis of the vote for La France Insoumise: for the former minister, support for Jean-Luc Mélenchon and his deputies can be explained among other things “because we are very bad about discrimination and also because they (the voters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, editor’s note) expect from us recognition of the Palestinian state and at the same time our Jewish compatriots expect protection from the state of Israel.

Also read:
Former Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin launches his movement and conditions his support for Michel Barnier on an absence of tax increases

At the same time, the deputy from the North took advantage of his political return to announce the creation of a club, a “place of reflection, which everyone can join”, called “Populaires”. It is neither a political party nor a movement within the presidential Renaissance party, his entourage clarified. “Our immense responsibility is to write, for the future, the social story of the central bloc,” explained the elected official from the North, for whom this “central bloc” is “at odds with modest people, popular French people, workers”. However, “no one can accept the democratic shipwreck of popular France which throws itself into the arms of the community demagoguery of the extremes which divide us, leaving the little white people to vote for Le Pen and the little Beur to vote for Gaza”, he said.


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