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“I was able to establish damage of around 30 to 40 billion”, Fadilou Keïta

LSS airport property: “I was able to establish a loss of around 30 to 40 billion”, Fadilou Keïta

The land at Léopold Sédar Senghor airport, sold at a low price, will be recovered by the State of Senegal. The director of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations gave this assurance this Sunday, September 29, during his appearance on the Rfm show “Grand Jury”. “We are going to sell our land and at cost. We will sell at market value, recover our 30 billion and invest it in the State’s structuring projects and continue our missions,” assured Fadilou Keïta.

The political leader of Pastef thus denounced land speculation on this project under the old regime. “The conditions on the marketing mandate were never respected. The plan was modified several times. The reservation contract template lists items that give free rein to speculation. People who were in charge of marketing directly benefited from it. By doing the review, I was able to establish a loss of around 30 to 40 billion. What also happened was that people received lots of land, sold and speculated,” revealed Fadilou Keïta to journalist Babacar Fall.

Furthermore, the successor of Sheikh Issa Sall ensures that corrections will be made to this project. “They (the leaders of the old regime) sold between 120 and 140 million CFA francs. People did not respect the contractual terms between the CDC and the Compagnie Générale Immobilier du Sahel (CGIS). So today, I will never accept that these former members of the Macky Sall regime can make a profit of 30 to 40 billion on the CDC. We will never accept that these people take our land at these low prices and sell it,” said Mr. Keïta.

Auteur: Léna THIOUNE –


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