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Fadilou Keïta explains why Macky Sall should be prosecuted

This Sunday, September 29, Fadilou Keïta, director of the Caisse de dépôt et de consignation (CDC), was the guest of the Grand Jury program on Radio Futurs Médias (RFM). During this interview, he did not mince his words in criticizing former President Macky Sall, accusing him of having seriously compromised the future of Senegal, both socially and financially.

From the outset, Fadilou Keïta wanted to recall the extent of the tragic political events that marked Senegal under the Macky Sall regime, particularly between 2021 and 2024. “Macky Sall did doubly harm to Senegal… He imprisoned people Senegalese and broken households,” he said, denouncing the repressive climate which reigned during the last years of his mandate. He refers to the numerous arrests of political figures and activists as well as the social tensions exacerbated by the political crisis.

→ ALSO READ: Affair of 94 billion: Fadilou Keïta, CEO of the CDC makes major revelations

The human toll drawn up by the director of the CDC is particularly grim. “We are talking about more than 80 deaths in political events between 2021 and 2024,” he added. These victims, who fell during clashes between demonstrators and police, illustrate, according to him, Macky Sall’s failure to maintain the stability of the country while respecting the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Beyond the human tragedies, Fadilou Keïta also points to a less visible but equally worrying aspect: the “financial carnage” for which Macky Sall is said to be responsible. According to him, the former head of state left behind disastrous economic management, marked by embezzlement and misuse of the country’s resources.

→ ALSO READ: French justice: Deliberation set for November 6 in the case of crimes against humanity targeting Macky Sall and Co, according to Juan Branco

Fadilou Keïta does not hesitate to accuse Macky Sall of complicity in the theft of national wealth: “He allowed everyone to despoil our financial resources.” A serious accusation which reinforces the perception of opaque management of public funds, particularly with regard to large infrastructure projects and the exploitation of natural resources, such as oil and gas, which have long sparked controversy in Senegal. .

For Fadilou Keïta, Macky Sall’s behavior could justify a trial for high treason. By taking the oath, the former president pledged to defend the interests of Senegal. However, according to him, “he exposed Senegal by giving false figures”. This remark echoes recurring criticisms aimed at the transparency of public accounts and the management of audit reports during Sall’s two mandates.

→ ALSO READ: Possible prosecutions against Macky Sall: Insights from criminal lawyer Ndiack Fall


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