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Gérald Darmanin’s return to politics: sausages and fries and prestigious guest platter in

After seven years in government, a new life begins for Gérald Darmanin. Having become a simple deputy from the North again, the former Minister of the Interior intends to exert influence within the right and center bloc. This Sunday appears to be a demonstration of the political scope it has taken.

For the second year, the former mayor of is organizing a major political rally in his city, at the botanical garden. He shares – at his own expense, including for the rental of municipal equipment, he specifies – fries, sausages and beer this lunchtime with Xavier Bertrand, Sébastien Lecornu and Gabriel Attal.

Gérald Darmanin and Gabriel Attal enjoying a fry during the former Minister of the Interior’s political comeback in Tourcoing.

Gérald Darmanin and Gabriel Attal kissing in front of the cameras at the Minister of the Interior’s political return.

All three are greeted with warm hugs. “ I responded to Gérald’s friendly invitation “, confides the former Prime Minister, saying to himself “ proud to have served alongside him “. Among the hundreds of guests, including 250 elected officials, are numerous parliamentarians from the right and the center as well as elected officials from Hauts-de-. In the audience, we also note the presence of Jacques Toubon and the actor Sami Nacéri. “He likes me, I think », jokes Darmanin, speaking of the former star of Taxi.

Open the capital to employees

Less celebrity and rarer, Barthélémy Guislain, the boss of the AFM, the head association of the Mulliez galaxy, was also present. He spoke in the afternoon to call for the publication of a ratio between the highest and lowest salaries in companies, as well as an expansion of profit-sharing and participation. He also calls for an incentive to open the capital of companies up to 10% so that each employee can have “quickly» one year of remuneration in the form of equity assets. A measure “fair and effective”, according to him.

After having marked the history of the Fifth Republic as the Minister of the Interior with the longest mandate in half a century, Gérald Darmanin shares a beer with elected officials.

This day is intended to be placed under the sign of reflection, with workshops on housing and social issues on the menu. Elisabeth Borne and Edouard Philippe should then speak, before Gérald Darmanin gives a speech at 5 p.m. where he should advance some milestones on non-regal subjects.

Gérald Darmanin and fries, a weapon of political communication

By Laurent Decotte

There was Mitterrand and the ortolans, Jacques Chirac and the calf’s head. It’s starting to sink in that Gérald Darmanin is the fries.
Perhaps if he hadn’t been so busy, Gérald Darmanin would have taken his little family this Saturday to for the world fry championship. A whole story Darmanin and fries. Since 2016, the town of Tourcoing has offered fries to its residents on the occasion of greetings. This year, four booths were present to distribute some three thousand cones to the population.

Tray of fries or American sausage for everyone, including a former Prime Minister. – PHOTOPQR/VOIX DU NORD/MAXPPP

This Sunday noon, at the Tourcoing botanical garden; Like last year, American sausage was on the menu. And we eat standing up with our fingers while sipping a beer please. Gérald Darmanin constantly recalls his modest origins and the fact that he was elected from a popular territory. He is not the only one with the credo of a social and popular right, his friends Xavier Bertrand and Edouard Philippe are not far from it. But he is. And he eats fries. That he paid: Gérald Darmanin specifies that he paid the bill for the meal for his guests and will compensate the municipality for making the place available.


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