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Attack Guy Marius, the incident would not be a form of retaliation for his opinions? (video)

Senegalese MP Guy Marius Sagna was attacked during a meeting in Lomé, where he is staying to participate in the 3rd extraordinary session. Invited by Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo Johnson, Togolese lawyer and human rights activist, first woman to run for president in her country. This incident occurs in a particular context, because two months ago, during an ECOWAS parliamentary session, Guy Marius Sagna had severely criticized certain African heads of state, accusing them of having contributed to the impoverishment of the continent. .

His comments provoked strong reactions, notably from certain parliamentarians, including the second vice-president of the Ivorian Parliament, with whom he had an altercation. The attack on Guy Marius Sagna raises questions about the motivations behind this act.

Some might wonder if this incident is not a direct consequence of the critical speeches he has made, particularly towards certain African heads of state, whom he accuses of having impoverished the continent?

His outspokenness and his bold positions taken during forums such as the ECOWAS parliamentary session, where he provoked strong reactions, could well be perceived as a threat by certain political actors.

Thus, it is legitimate to wonder if this incident is not a form of retaliation for his strong opinions and his political alliances with opposition figures like Brigitte Kafui Adjamagbo Johnson.

His speech during the parliamentary session!


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