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for Marine le Pen, a ceasefire requires a “dismantling” of Hezbollah

Europe 1 with AFP
5:52 p.m., September 29, 2024

Marine Le Pen estimated on Sunday that a stop to Israeli bombings in Lebanon must be linked “to a political plan” including “a dismantling” of Hezbollah and called on the government to prepare the evacuation of French nationals.

Calling to “avoid the spiral which would plunge Lebanon into chaos”, the leader of the RN deputies judged in a press release that the “ceasefire was not in itself a solution if it did not is not accompanied by a credible and serious political component.

By targeting Hassan Nasrallah and the main leaders of Hezbollah, Israel “dealt a hard blow to a terrorist movement heavily responsible for the collapse of sovereignty and even the institutional and moral crisis of the political class in Lebanon”, he said. -she congratulated.

A request to the government “to plan means of evacuation”

“The international community and in particular must mobilize immediately to propose an end to the bombings linked to a real political plan to end the crisis and reaffirm the sovereignty of Lebanon, which involves the dismantling of Hezbollah,” he said. -she affirmed.

“Delivering this message immediately will go hand in hand with the demand that Israel now exercise the greatest restraint in the choice of its military targets in order to avoid more death and destruction,” she said. added. While the head of French diplomacy Jean-Noël Barrot will be in Lebanon on Sunday evening, Marine Le Pen also asks the government “to plan means of evacuation, which should be prepositioned as quickly as possible off the Lebanese coast”.

On the contrary, LFI coordinator Manuel Bompard considered that the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah was “an act of escalation and headlong flight”. “This risks leading to a form of one-upmanship because Hezbollah is not going to disappear with the disappearance of Mr. Nasrallah,” he judged in the program Questions Politiques on France Inter in partnership with Le Monde and France Télévisions. “When we look at history, Hezbollah was born after the invasion by the Israeli army of Lebanon in 1982 (…) So there will no longer be Mr. Nasrallah, but there will be something else with other leaders and we will not have resolved anything,” he concluded.


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