Unlike other sector, teaching does not have high pressure on those in power. “”The teaching strike first affects families, it is not a means of economic pressure, neither on the government, nor on the organizing powers “recalls Luc Toussaint, community president of the CGSP Teaching.
The strike, an effective means?
This time, teaching is stopped but other sectors have already disengaged this year and others will certainly demonstrate in the coming months with several governments which still have to train. Unsurprisingly, Belgium wins the European gold medal at the level of strikes. Small country but many reasons to go down the streets.
“Striked is authorized by law. It is only like that that we can be heard sometimes. What is a shame is that for a yes or a no, we disengage in the world Work.notes Salvatore Bongiorno says Toto. This former trade unionist known for his union negotiations at La Sabena does not deny the power of the strike … “When it is done correctly”.
During a work stoppage for better conditions and better salary, everyone loses, boss as workers. “”Now given everyone’s economic situation, can we still afford to make strikes in a untimely way? “wonders whoever manages a restaurant in Brussels. “”The general public no longer follows and public opinion is turning around. “
“From the time of Germinal”
“Some organizations behave like in the time of Germinal. But this way has become obsolete”continues Toto. “”What did the latest strikes have made it possible? Almost nothing! The unions gain the fights that the bosses are willing to lose.“
-The world of work has changed, people and society too. “”Activism is no longer. The causes are no longer the same, there are other fights: harassment at work by colleagues or bosses, women who earn less than men for the same job, etc. People no longer have the same fights. It is not normal that when you get up in the morning, it is once the TEC, then another time the railway workers, etc. who strike. Everything has become too expensive. The citizen no longer follows, groans and no longer shares the fight because society has become selfish “analyzes the former union. “”We must rethink the world of work that has changed. We cannot continue with the same things. Why not change the names for boss and union to become partners and not enemies. “
The spontaneous strike movement at TEC Liège-Verviers extended until at least Monday
In any case, the disaster scenario seems to be confirmed in teaching according to the common front and we must expect other actions in the coming weeks. “”We arrive at hundreds of job losses with the three levels of the reform and the disappearance of the 7th qualifying: no less than 500 FTEs will disappear and this goes as far as the option of option. This confirms our fears. “denounces Roland Lahaye. “The four working groups on the shortage of teachers announced by the government just before the strike, we expect the concrete before advancing. There is a request not to abdicate”adds Luc Toussaint.