Dorothée Olliric tells that day when she thought she was coming up in a Sunday in the countryside

Dorothée Olliric tells that day when she thought she was coming up in a Sunday in the countryside
Dorothée Olliric tells that day when she thought she was coming up in a Sunday in the countryside

Guest ofA Sunday in the countryside On 2 This Sunday, January 26, the big reporter Dorothée Olléric returned to the day she believed that she was going to be executed in Egypt.

Her devouring passion for her job can cost her dearly, and she knows! This Sunday, January 26, 2025, Frédéric Lopez received three new guests in A Sunday in the countryside. During this weekend spent out of sight and the bustle of the city, the owner of the two allowed viewers to learn more about Dorothée Olléric. A great war reporter, the journalist born in 1966 in notably returned to this August 17, 2013 where she believed that her last hour had reached a successful coup in Egypt.

They put us in a minibus“: the chilling story of the war reporter Dorothée Olléric in Frédéric Lopez in A Sunday in the countryside

As usual, Frédéric Lopez, with all the benevolence that we know, has managed to collect a poignant confidence on the part of his guest. “”Islamist president Mohamed Morsi was overthrown following a military coup. State of emergency in Egypt. There are demonstrations where Islamists are killed for a few days“She recalls. That day, journalists are also targeted by the crowd.”They blame us. People attack us and try to tear our bullet bumpers and hit us“, She continues. Terrified by the situation, she first believes she is saved by the intervention of the military.”They put us in armored vehicles. And there, soldiers armed to the teeth, take us, put our headbands on our eyes And put us in a minibus.”


It was an execution simulacrum“: Dorothée Olléric tells the day she thought she was dying in A Sunday in the countryside

When she realizes that the vehicle moves away from Cairo, because her scarf was badly hung, she begins to understand that the situation becomes critical. “”I see gravel on the ground and a wall of red bricks, so I know it’s not good, I see a brick wall. The silence is done and there, we hear that they load the weapons, I tell myself that it’s over and that in thirty seconds, we are all dead“, she continues her story. At that time, the one who does not wish to beg the soldiers to have a death”worthy“Think of her children, aged 12 and 10to whom she is angry at bringing this to life. And while she thinks that her last hour has arrived, she imagines that her husband, without her, will have a hard time making the supplies of her son, soon in college. Reassured by thinking of her mother, capable of replacing her in this mission, she is ready to go calmly. Fortunately, no one pulled. “”It was a simulacrum of execution, it is to terrorize the journalists. I am not traumatized “, she concludes her breathless story.




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