An association of six weather companies is going to court because they believe the KNMI is competing unfairly. Since the weather institute launched its own app at the beginning of November, users can see the local weather forecast and view radar images. According to the Dutch Association of Weather Companies (NVWB), providing this service is not a task of the government organization.
A government regulation states that the KNMI is responsible for a general Dutch weather forecast and sending warnings in the event of extreme weather and emergencies.
It should not take on tasks that the market can fulfill.
-But the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management wants to improve the provision of information and has therefore created an app. It now also provides local forecasts “at postal code level”, a function that “weather companies have been providing for years”, according to NVWB secretary Menno Bom.
The app is also free, ad-free and paid for with government money. This is unfair competition and contrary to the law, says the NVWB.