Paul Timmers, a well-known entrepreneur from Zonhoven, died unexpectedly in the night from Wednesday to Thursday. He ran the Schoenen Timmers store in Dorpsstraat and regularly made the news with innovative ideas.
Paul Timmers, father of actress Charlotte Timmers, was 70 years old. His shoe store in Zonhoven enjoyed fame throughout the province, not least because of the creative marketing and innovative products that Timmers offered his customers. For example, he launched a shoe with an interchangeable heel, so that ladies who developed pain in their feet could opt for more comfort after a while (read article). He also made headlines with his ‘reverse window display’, where the presentation of the new collection was only visible to customers in the store (read article). A very driven and creative entrepreneur, who was highly appreciated in the sector. In 2016 he was nominated for De Drijfveer, a nice award for entrepreneurs from Zonhoven.
But more than that, Paul Timmers was known as a cheerful bon vivant, who had a good chat with everyone and was not shy of a joke. He was a family man, who also actively followed his daughter Charlotte’s acting career. Paul himself had a small role in the series Beau Séjour.
-His sudden death stuns the family, large circle of friends and business network. He leaves a big void. Our sincere condolences go out to all relatives.
More details about condolences and the funeral can be found at In Memoriam.