The drama unfolded in the afternoon of Tuesday January 21 on the blue slope, called “Chevreuil”, in the resort of Villard-de-Lans (Isère). A 10-year-old girl was between life and death after a serious skiing accident. She succumbed to her injuries.
The 10-year-old skier remained in critical condition since Tuesday January 21, when she hit a rock for reasons still undetermined in the resort of Villard-de-Lans in Isère. As reported The Dauphiné liberatedthe little girl did not survive the accident. She suffered in particular from a head trauma, despite wearing a helmet.
A ski outing as part of school
Alerted, emergency services immediately went to the scene to rescue the young schoolgirl at the Villard-de-Lans establishment, on a school trip to the Isère resort. The latter was in cardio-respiratory arrest. Before her transport to Grenoble Alpes University Hospital, she had resumed cardiac activity, but her vital prognosis remained compromised.
-Despite the care provided, the 10-year-old girl was pronounced dead. An investigation was opened for manslaughter by the Grenoble public prosecutor's office.