It is a conflict as invisible as it is deadly which is tearing apart the former largest country in Africa. In just over a year and a half, Sudan has seen up to 150,000 deaths and 11 million displaced people, far from the cameras. This civil war, which pits the regular army against a rebellion made up of paramilitaries, has plunged entire regions into a situation described as the worst humanitarian crisis in the world by the UN. We filmed it, up close. In Khartoum, the capital is cut in two, the Nile is partly used as a front line, our reporters carried out this report on the side of the loyalist forces, following the soldiers loyal to General Al Burhan whose government has retreated to Port Sudan on the shores of the Red Sea. In the areas they reconquered this fall, the neighborhoods are devastated. And we met the witnesses. Those who suffered the occupation of the “Janjawids”, these militiamen who want to take power. Those who survived the massacres. Those who left their villages pillaged and burned. The only hope for the luckiest: to reach a hospital in a safe area where the doctors are overwhelmed, or to reach the tent camps where thousands of survivors pile up after sometimes days of walking in the desert. M SCOTT, F AMZEL