This Sunday, January 19, Laurent Delahousse revealed his exclusive interview in the streets of Paris with Vincent Lindon. The actor talks about his career, his childhood… but goes out of his way when it comes to politics. He even gets annoyed by a question from the journalist.
This Sunday, January 19, Laurent Delahousse granted a privileged interview to Vincent Lindon. No sets, no technical teams, but a stroll through the streets of Paris, with a very small team of cameramen. On February 5, a new documentary on the actor who won several awards at Cannes will be broadcast on Arte. He talks about his fame, his career, but also about his childhood and the fears that punctuate his daily life. Vincent Lindon is known for his outspokenness, especially in interviews. “I don't have a sorter and that's what bothers me the most in today's world, even in this interview, now, we have three brains. There is one who is sincere, who speaks, the other who says: 'Can I say that or not?' and the third who catches up on words, I don’t have it.”he explains to Laurent Delahousse. A perfect opportunity for the latter to talk to him about politics.
Vincent Lindon and politics
“Do you like politicians?”asks Laurent Delahousse to his evening guest. “I loved politicians and admired them”Vincent Lindon responds cash, before the journalist questions him further: “Are you talking about it in the past tense. Chirac?” “No, but we're not going to start, because I don't want to go into details at all. That doesn't interest me at all and now I'm forced to put four brains into action. What I can say, what I can't say, it will tire me out and I don't want to.”the star responds cash. It takes more to stop Laurent Delahousse, who still tries to get a response from his interlocutor: “Chirac, Bayrou, Hollande… We don’t talk about it precisely.”
-“I think something, I say it”assures Vincent Lindon
“I recognize the fantastic journalist, who starts from a sentence where he says names, manages to wait for a response from the person opposite”then launches Vincent Lindon, without responding to Laurent Delahousse. A few minutes earlier, the movie star spoke about his outspokenness. “I don't hide, it's no use. I think something, I say it. We don't all have to be of the same opinion. Why am I going to hide? I'm so in love with everything, all the time, so furious that I don't have the machine that is capable of sorting it all.”…except when it comes to politics.