The European Cup is looming on the horizon with the arrival of Braga this Thursday. “We had a ‘normal’ week, without a match. I hate it, now that we’ve gotten used to playing in the European Cup. It’s better to have a good match to play. We can’t wait for Thursday“, slips Moris. “It’s been a long time since we heard this beautiful music“, clutch Sadiki. “We can’t wait to play Braga, in front of our supporters. It’s time to put out a good performance to definitively qualify.“. USG is 20th and has yet to validate its place in the Top 24.
This will have to be done for those who are absent (injured or suspended). Alessio Castro-Monteswho had already missed 11 games in the first part of the season, came out with around ten minutes to go. “I hope it’s not too serious. Others will be ready to do the work“, says the Luxembourg international. An opinion shared by Sadiki. “Those who play less are hungry. It’s up to them to show that they have their place in the eleven“.
A sign that competition has intensified in the Union. And she pushes everyone to be better.