Delhi Police arrested Lalit Kumar, who posed as a CBI sub-inspector near a school in Subhash Nagar. Kumar used a fake CBI ID card.
NEW DELHI: Delhi Police arrested a 25-year-old man, Lalit Kumar, for posing as a CBI sub-inspector. Kumar, a resident of AligarhUttar Pradesh, was apprehended near a school in Subhash Nagar on January 13.
According to the police, he falsely claimed to be a CBI officer and even displayed a photo of what appeared to be a legitimate CBI ID card on his mobile phone.
However, upon investigation and verification with the CBI office, it was discovered that the ID card was a fake and forged.
The police registered a case under sections 204 (personating a public servant), 205 (wearing garb or carrying token used by public servant with fraudulent intent), and 340 (2) (forged document or electronic record and using it as genuine) of BNS. They seized Kumar’s mobile phone, which contains photographs of the fake CBI ID card, a roll board with his name, and a promotion list with his name.
The police are investigating Kumar’s motives and whether he has any accomplices. “Kumar is a graduate and was preparing for the CGL examination. His family includes his father, a lineman in Aligarh, and his mother, a homemaker,” police added.