As reported by TF1info, Wednesday January 15, a new tool developed by artificial intelligence is being made available to students this year to support them in their research on Parcoursup and assess their chances of integrating the desired training.
Often criticized, the Parcoursup platform offers a major evolution. As reported by TF1info, Wednesday January 15, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research is offering from this year a new tool developed by artificial intelligence (AI). The main objective of this module will be to evaluate the chances of admission of high school students to training based on the specialties followed in the Première and Terminale classes and the grades obtained.
Free and without any registration necessary, this tool “helps students better understand their chances of admission on Parcoursup and gives a rough idea of the chances of admission to different schools and preparatory classes“, explains Parcoursup on its site. While high school students can begin to validate their wishes on the platform from this Wednesday, January 15, AI could well support them in their research and avoid them from traffic jams of requests for certain training courses, which are singled out in recent years.
A tool that calculates the chances of admission to training courses
After having mentioned their educational background, with their specialties and their grades, high school students have the opportunity to discover their chances of admission. A first result indicates whether the training sends “rarely”, “occasionally”, “regularly”, “more than 50%” or “more than 80%” an admission proposal for a similar profile of the student. Then, the artificial intelligence reveals the number of candidates who applied in the previous three years, those who received an offer of admission and those who chose to join the training. It also specifies the combinations of specialties most common among those admitted. In addition to final year students, this new tool can also help first and second year students in the choice of specialties, which can prove crucial in the choice of post-baccalaureate training.
published on January 15 at 4:26 p.m., Quentin Marchal, 6Medias