In the next episode of “Here it all begins”… A notable character makes his return. Thelma and Sabri are at an impasse. Tom can't do anything anymore.
Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Here it all begins broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1! If you prefer not to know anything, move on.
Wednesday January 15 in Here it all begins…
Cléo decides not to hide anymore
Rose goes to Clotilde and Joachim to inform them that Gaspard was found unconscious because a shelf from the Commissary fell on him. Naturally, Rose suspects Cléo of being responsible for the accident, revealing that she has a good reason to blame Gaspard since he made her fail the entrance exam. Despite everything, Joachim defends his protégé. He goes to look for her in her room so she can prove her innocence, but realizes that she is gone with all his things.
At the hospital, Coline goes to visit Gaspard and bring him breakfast. After which, she leaves her classmate in the company of the captain of the gendarmerie, who has come to question her. Except for the time of his attack, around 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., Gaspard admits that he remembers nothing. The captain of the gendarmerie will open an investigation.
For her part, Clotilde also warns the captain of Cléo's presence at the Institute. Joachim nevertheless asks his companion to give him time to find the young girl and hear her explanations. He just receives a message from Cléo who is in the village. He decides to join her, promising Clotilde to bring her back afterwards.
Faced with Joachim, Cléo affirms that she never hurt Gaspard. She admits that she knows him but that she didn't want him to think she was capable of what happened to him. Indeed, he is the only one she can count on. Joachim believes her to be sincere. He then gives her the chance to escape instead of being arrested by the police, giving her some money for the next few days. Cléo thanks him, then turns on her heel.
Meanwhile, Leonard finds Maya in the park, regretting not having told her anything about her relationship with Quentin. The young girl recognizes that she reacted badly and assures that she wishes her best friend happiness. Reconciled, Léo and Maya see Gaspard a little further away, already back from the hospital with one arm in a sling.
Back at the Institute, Joachim finds Clotilde, declaring that he has let Cléo go. Finally, the latter comes back to give him back his money. Under Jasmine's astonished eyes, Cléo affirms that she has nothing to reproach herself for and that she is ready to explain herself to the police…
Tom is very worried
As agreed with Myriel, Lionel goes to her office to carry out the tasks of executive assistant. He then finds a post-it from Laetitia entitled “Urgent” with the list of the following students: Tom, Carla, Emi, Bérénice and Milan. Lionel takes a photo of it.
He then finds Tom in the park, who is with Billie, and mentions the list where his name appears. If Lionel thinks that this is not a good thing, Tom is convinced that he has nothing to fear. Once Lionel leaves, Billie asks her boyfriend to help her practice baking at the end of the day, which he agrees to.
At the Atelier, Tom serves as chef of the laboratory restaurant. However, he is distracted by this list story whose meaning he is looking for. So much so that he sends his team wandering and makes mistakes in the kitchen.
At the end of the day, Billie joins him at the Atelier for his pastry coaching. But Tom is still obsessed with the meaning of the list. To put an end to his ordeal, Lionel agrees to tell him what it is.
Thelma and Sabri use AI in the kitchen
For her First Years class, chef Listrac tasks the students with working in pairs to create their own vegan version of a minced steak. She specifies that this is a graded exercise.
Thelma suggests that Sabri pair up with her. The young man is surprised because they have hardly spoken to each other since the beginning of the year. Thelma admits that his proposal is self-serving because she assumes that he knows the chef well. Sabri nevertheless emphasizes that he knows nothing about vegan. Thelma still wants to be paired with him.
For their part, Mattéo and Gary get together. They start with a recipe based on cauliflower and shiitake. Thelma and Sabri start with a base of red beans, beets and miso. When they taste their preparation, they realize that neither the texture nor the taste corresponds to that of a steak. Sabri then decides to use AI to find out how to improve her recipe. Even though Thelma is not comfortable with this method, which she compares to cheating, she agrees to follow the AI's advice by adding smoked spices and quinoa.
At the end of the class, the chef tastes the students' dishes. Gary and Mattéo's is unfortunately a little bland and far from the desired texture. On the other hand, Listrac is impressed by Thelma and Sabri's plate. The young student says they found all the ingredients on their own. The pair obtains a score of 18/20.
After which, Mattéo and Gary learn that their comrades used AI for their recipe. They consider it cheating. Sabri counters that AI is simply a tool.