The social partners participated in a second meeting as part of the obligatory annual negotiations (NAO) on conventional wages in road freight transport (TRM), on January 9. The employers’ organizations refuse any increase.
The CFTC Transports reacted to this posture of the employers’ organizations, during the permanent joint negotiation and interpretation committee (CPPNI) which took place on January 9, with a press release published the same evening:
“In a context of social tension and while the purchasing power of employees in the sector remains strongly impacted by the increase in prices, particularly energy, professional organizations have proposed an increase of… 0%! The FGT CFTC would like to point out that many families are no longer able to make it through the month, even when working 45 hours a week..
Contempt. 45 hours per week, this is the average weekly duration of service for employed heavy goods vehicle drivers in 2023. “While successive governments all claim to want to get our professions out of the low-wage trap in which aid (notably Fillon) has stuck them, the failure of today’s negotiations is a mark of contempt that we strongly denounce”continues the CFTC.
“In our transport sector, whose professions are in lasting tension, this lack of social justice is unlikely to improve attractiveness for young people: it is high time for the employers to assume their responsibilities! »
The lowest hourly rate (coefficient 110M upon hiring) is €12.09, which is not far from the minimum wage (€11.65/hour).
Decrease in activity. The carriers and their representatives, OTRE, FNTR and Union TLF, put forward compelling arguments: the economic context is difficult, the commercial challenges are numerous, and finally political instability encourages caution.
Renew the dialogue. “The carriers are not in an attitude of constructive dialoguenotes Patrice Clos, delegate of FO-UNCP Transport. But they make a mistake: with low salaries, the profession lacks attractiveness. They are struggling to recruit”.
The next meeting of CPPNI in the TRM will take place on February 6. The unions will consult their base and work together in order to provide a response to professional organizations.