It's terrible news that Sheryfa Luna shared on Instagram on Thursday. The singer revealed by the show “Popstars” in 2007 announced the death of her third child on November 17. The 35-year-old artist gave birth to a stillborn child that day, as she explains on social networks: “I gave birth to Khalil in a chilling silence. No cry, no breath. My son had already left,” says Sheryfa Luna.
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Already the mother of two boys born in 2008 and 2015, the interpreter of He had the words believes she was transformed by this ordeal. “Since that day, every moment has been a battle. Khalil existed. He marked my life and transformed my soul forever. I am no longer who I was before him,” assures Sheryfa Luna. “Even if his stay was brief, he left an indelible mark on me,” she also wrote.
“Giving life and having to say goodbye in the same moment”
“I discovered a pain that no words can really describe: giving birth and having to say goodbye in the same moment,” assures the singer, who pays tribute at the end of her post to all the parents who have experienced a similar drama: “To all those going through invisible, silent trials, I want to say that you are not alone. Each pain we carry makes us a different version of ourselves, deeper, more conscious.”
Sheryfa Luna, real name Chérifa Babouche, won season 4 of telecrochet Pop stars on M6. She followed up with a first album produced by Universal then with several titles which hit the charts (He had the words, Somewhere, Like before…). Rather discreet in recent years, the artist continues to perform at festivals or during tours bringing together artists from the 2000s.