On January 3, 2025, the official date of the divorce between Canal+ and Disney France, customers of the encrypted channel are supposed to no longer be subscribers to Disney+. At least, in theory.
As you may know, Disney France had a rather eventful end to 2024. First of all, the big-eared firm lost a major commercial partner, namely Canal+. At the beginning of December, the encrypted channel made the decision not to renew its contract with the entertainment giant.
Result, Disney+ will no longer be offered with the different Canal+ packageswhile subscribers will no longer be able to access Disney TV channels such as Disney Channel or National Geographic via their decoder.
Fortunately for consumers, several ISPs rushed to this opportunity to in turn sign an agreement with Disney to resume broadcasting Disney channels. This is the case of Orange for example, or even of Free. And in order to attract as many new users as possible, Disney launched a new promotional offer on January 3. Until January 21, the Standard plan with advertisements is displayed at €1.99 per month for a year. Enough to save €50 over the year casually.
Canal+ customers, check that your Disney+ subscription has ended
Coming back to the break between Canal+ and Disney, it officially comes into force on January 3, 2025. In theory, Canal+ subscribers therefore no longer have access to Disney+. But in reality, it's a little more complicated than that. For good reason, if you were a Disney+ subscriber before joining Canal+, your subscription may still be in progress. And this for a very simple reason.
-In an email recently sent to Canal customers, Walt Disney Company explains that “subscription has expired“, but that, in a burst of generosity, your “access has been extended until today, at no additional cost”.
The last part of the sentence is a bit misleading. Why this? If, like many users, you added a payment method on Disney+ (credit card, PayPal account), Disney will automatically renew your subscription starting January 4.
More precisely, you will be automatically registered for the Standard plan with advertisements, billed at €5.99 per month. To avoid this, you will have to go to your D+ account and manually launch the cancellation procedure from the settings.
Source : BFM