The increase is due to the dynamics of gas prices on the wholesale market: geopolitical instability and winter temperatures weigh. Spending in the rolling year will be €523 (-2.1%)…
In the first quarter of 2025, the electricity bill for the vulnerable 'typical customer' served under Greater Protection will increase by 18.2%. Since 1 July, the service has been available only to vulnerable customers, i.e. those who find themselves in at least one of the following conditions: over 75 years of age, recipient of a social bonus, person with a disability (art. 3, L. 104/ 92), resident in an emergency housing module or smaller non-interconnected island, user of life-saving equipment. Approximately 3.4 million customers are currently served in the Greater Protection service. Please remember that all vulnerable customers, even those currently on the free market, have the right to switch to Greater Protection.
The increase for the next quarter is attributable to several factors: the continuation of geopolitical tensions in some strategic areas and the seasonal increase in wholesale electricity prices, correlated to natural gas prices in view of the winter season. The analysis of the individual components highlights that the increase in expenditure is mainly due to the costs of purchasing electricity and the related equalizations (overall +16%) and dispatching costs (+2.4%). The changes in the other items substantially offset each other: general system costs recorded a decrease of 2.7%, while the expense for transport and management of the meter recorded an increase of 2.5%.
Despite the increases, the annual expenditure for the typical vulnerable user under the Greater Protection regime will stand at 523 euros in the period between 1 April 2024 and 31 March 2025. This value remains 2.1% lower than the 534 euros recorded in the previous period (1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024).