On January 1st, 2025 (Wednesday), RTL showed the feature film “Beauty and the Beast” by Gary Trousdale on TV. You can find out here when and where the feature film will be broadcast again, whether only digitally or on traditional television.
Didn’t get to see the Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise film at 10:05 a.m. but really want to see it? The RTL media library could be useful here. Here you will find countless television programs to stream online as video on demand after they have been broadcast. As a rule, you will find the program in the media library after it has been broadcast on TV. Unfortunately, this does not apply to all shipments. Unfortunately, there will not be a repeat on RTL on linear TV for the time being.
“Beauty and the Beast” on TV: That’s what the animated film is about
The pretty Belle comes to a spooky castle in search of her father. There the man is held by an ugly beast. Belle offers the monster to move into the castle with him in her father’s place. As the beast succumbs to Belle’s gentleness, she recognizes his noble soul and falls in love. (Source: RTL, transmitted by FUNKE program magazines)
All information about “Beauty and the Beast” on TV at a glance
Von: Gary Trousdale und Kirk Wise
script: Linda Woolverton, Brenda Chapman, Roger Allers, Chris Sanders, Burny Mattinson, Kevin Harkey, Brian Pimental, Joe Ranft, Tom Ellery, Kelly Asbury, Robert Lence und Bruce Woodside
Music Alan Menken
Genre: Musicals, Movies, Animation, Fantasy, Music and Romance/Love
Year of production: 1991
FSK: Released for ages 6 and up
Original title: “Beauty and the Beast”
Subtitles: Yes
In HD: Yes