See who won 5 Pix from the Pasqualotto Supermercados promotion in Juína | Juína News

See who won 5 Pix from the Pasqualotto Supermercados promotion in Juína | Juína News
See who won 5 Pix from the Pasqualotto Supermercados promotion in Juína | Juína News

Last Saturday, the 14th, Pasqualotto Supermercados held another draw for the “Pix dos Sonhos” promotion, anchored in the motivating phrase “160 thousand reasons to make your wishes come true”, which defines the amount of resources made available to participating customers.

In the current phase of the promotion, the draws have allocated, in each edition, four Pix worth R$500 and one worth R$1,000. So far there have been five in this format.

In the latter, all the winners are from Juína. They were: Dorival Pinto dos Santos, Johnatan Vitor Ribeiro, Dioneuza Pimentel da Silva and Silvia Regina Bertusse, from R$500 reais and Solange de Souza Pinheiro, from the R$1,000 pix.

Happy with the popular participation in the three Juína units, Elix Bruno highlights everyone's satisfaction with the fact that the promotion allocates immediate financial resources and the anxiety for the final draw, for a pix worth R$ 80 thousand reais.

According to him, among the predominant desires of those who hope for the biggest prize are to use the resource to help buy their own house, land or even insert it into a savings account.

While the climax of the promotion doesn't happen – it will be in January – the good news for participants is the next draw, which will be on December 24th, Christmas Eve. On this day, 3 pix worth R$5,000 and 5 pix worth R$1,000 will be drawn.

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