Already in turmoil since the start of the year, the iconic brand of natural mineral water Perrier has seen its reputation and its fate become a little darker. A confidential report from the regional health agency (ARS) of Occitanie, revealed this Monday by Radio France and The World, invites Nestlé, which owns it, to consider “a cessation of the production of mineral water on the Vergèze site », in Gard, the only packaging site for Perrier.
The agency deplores not only a continuing risk of fraud despite the Swiss multinational's promises to put an end to it, but also a virological risk. “She points the finger at the quality of Perrier water, and confirms that the transformation plan put in place by Nestlé is not effective in producing “natural mineral water” that is acceptable neither from a regulatory nor a health perspective,” analyzes the environmentalist senator Antoinette Guhl, who, in October, published a report on this affair, also calling into question a certain opacity of public authorities.
The future of the brand and the site in suspense
After an unannounced inspection carried out at the end of May in Vergèze, theARS thus suggests to Nestlé, in a report dated August 30, 2024, of “strategically question another possible food use of the exploitation of current mineral water catchments”provided that you provide “additional health safety guarantees”, report The World and radio France. The future of the brand and the production site (which has a thousand employees) therefore now depends on a decision from the Gard prefecture, who must decide “first half of 2025” on the application for renewal of the operating authorization for the “Perrier source” filed by Nestlé in October 2023.
The prefecture is only waiting “the opinion of approved hydrogeologists in matters of public hygiene”complementary to the ARS report, she explains to Monde. The multinational, for its part, is refusing any comments for the moment, saying it has not yet had “knowledge of the final report” of the ARS.
Three million bottles already destroyed “as a precaution”
In January 2024, an investigation by France Info and the Monde had revealed the use by Nestlé Waters, for several years, of prohibited treatments on its bottled waters – microfiltration, UV filters and activated carbons. They were used to deal with contamination, bacterial or chemical, on wells in Vergèze – but also in the Vosges, where water from Hépar, Contrex and Vittel is drawn. Nestlé had recognized these practices, and stopped using UV filters and activated carbons.
As for microfiltration, the government obtained, in February 2023, a relaxation of the regulations allowing it to continue, despite the controversies existing around this process. Nestlé had also launched a second brand, Maison Perrier, which, since it does not benefit from the “natural mineral water” designation, can undergo numerous treatments.
In April, however, the prefect of Gard had to suspend the operation of one of the seven catchments due to contamination by bacteria of fecal origin. Nestlé therefore destroyed some 3 million bottles “as a precaution”. The group and the prefecture had mentioned a one-off event linked to intense rains.
Insufficient traceability
In the spring, the prefect of Gard, Jérôme Bonet, asked the ARS of Occitanie to “monitor the correct dismantling of prohibited treatments”, and of “verify the traceability and manufacturing practices of products”. “Its conclusions are damning”notes Radio France.
“The report firstly confirms the impossibility of verifying the differences in water treatment of “Source Perrier” and “Maison Perrier””, deplores Antoinette Guhl, who had already pointed out this traceability problem in October. “Nothing prevents the treatment of natural mineral water by unauthorized processes used for other types of water”, writes the ARS, according to which “the conditions under which the inspection was carried out did not ensure that there were no other unauthorized processing devices hidden in the factory”.
Water not pure enough
“This report further confirms that Nestlé's transformation plan is not effective in producing natural water because, while purity is one of the conditions, the emergence of Perrier water is not not pure”, continues the senator. LThe quality controls carried out by Nestlé indeed present microbiological results “unusual for natural mineral water”, because of a “water instability” and the presence of microorganisms prohibited for this type of water.
The report also examines the question of microfiltration, estimating that its use on the Perrier site is not “not regulatory”, since it leads to “a proven disinfectant effect”, and aims precisely “to compensate for insufficient raw water quality”. He also mentions a “virological risk” for consumers (adenovirus, norovirus, hepatitis A)since “microfilters have no retention effect on viruses”: other danger “known to the government since 2022”, according to Radio France, and already highlighted in the October senatorial report, deplores Antoinette Guhl.
Officials soon to be heard in the Senate
For several weeks, a commission of inquiry has been set up at the initiative of the socialist group on this subject in the Senate. However, she is only at the beginning of a work expected to last several months.
“In the first quarter of 2025, manufacturers, the various control administrations and the ministers responsible for the matter will be heard. They will come to account for their action. It will therefore be up to the commission of inquiry to establish
the responsibilities of each. If necessary, it could inform the courts of what it considers to fall within its jurisdiction. however, warns in a press release its rapporteur, the senator of Oise Alexandre Ouizille. “An on-site inspection will be organized in particular in Gard on the Perrier brand site in Vergèze as part of our investigative powers”, he promises.