The sports presenter and the singer are expecting their first child together

The sports presenter and the singer are expecting their first child together
The sports presenter and the singer are expecting their first child together

Marriage, however, is not an issue at the moment. “I think that just because you’re expecting a child doesn’t mean you have to go to the altar straight away.” What is more important now is to reorganize everyday life. With her as a musician and him as a presenter, it’s a real challenge. Especially since they both also look after their shared wine bar, “Die Weinerei 1877” in Geuensee. “It will be a big change,” she says. “But my parents are really looking forward to their grandchild and to supporting us.” Eliane Müller and Sascha Ruefer both plan to return to everyday working life relatively quickly after the birth. “But that depends on how well the baby lets us go.” And of course vice versa. “I think Sascha will find it more difficult to separate from the child,” says the mother-to-be. He’s really looking forward to the baby, and she can see how much love he’s already showing his first child, Matti. She describes Sascha as a loving, sincere and funny father: “It’s a privilege to see him in this role now.” In addition, she and Matti could always rely on him. That’s why their love relationship has been working for around two years.




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