Press release from François Dechy, Mayor of

Press release from François Dechy, Mayor of
Press release from François Dechy, Mayor of Romainville

As Mayor, I made the thoughtful choice not to react immediately in the urgency of social networks, often sources of escalation and heightened emotions. I preferred to take the time to analyze the facts, listen to different points of view and consult before making any decisions and speaking out publicly.

Over the past ten days, I have met with Kevin Cohen twice. These exchanges made it possible to hear his version of the facts, but also to share with him my own reading of the situation. Together, we agreed that the action he had taken was not compatible with his duties and responsibilities as a municipal elected official.

In light of this situation, and by mutual agreement, Kévin Cohen has made the decision to resign from his mandate as municipal councilor. He expresses his regrets and apologizes. Tired of the violence he suffered on social networks and aware of the emotion that his actions may have provoked, he shows responsibility. I would like to salute the courage of his decision, taken in a spirit of respect and consideration for the Romainvilloises affected by this sequence.

is a unique city. Our multicultural and multireligious community brings together citizens of all faiths and beliefs who live together in harmony.

This diversity is a precious wealth, but also fragile. Many Romaville families have lost loved ones in Israel, Palestine, Lebanon and are deeply scarred by the situation in the Middle East. We owe them empathy and solidarity. In such a context, our words and actions can have a profound impact, which should never be underestimated. Beyond our political positions, our first role is to preserve local harmony and to work tirelessly for dialogue and peace.



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