This Saturday, November 2, 2024, Cyril Hanouna once again hosted his show Face à Hanouna. During the evening, the PAF troublemaker defended Alexia Laroche-Joubert, his friend publicly attacked by Jean-Edouard Lipa, former Loft Story candidate.
It's a series whose broadcast caused a lot of reaction. Since October 18, 2024, the Amazon Prime Video platform has been broadcasting Worshipa mini-series dedicated to the success of Loft Story. We can then relive in this program the famous swimming pool scene between Loana and Jean-Edouard Lipa, the broadcast of photos of Loana and her daughter Mindy or the daily life of Alexia Laroche-Joubert, the producer, at that time.
Many were the former candidates of Loft Story to have watched the series. This is particularly the case of Jean-Edouard Lipa who never stops criticizing the show and the team at the time, including Alexia Laroche-Joubert, whom he does not hold in his heart. “She lies to you”, he begins, before supporting his remarks on this video published on social networks: “Alexia Laroche-Joubert is certainly not the character she wanted to leave in the image. Alexia Laroche-Joubert is a bit like the person who buys a Labrador when it's in fashion and who, the day it takes up too much space, abandons it on a highway rest area. But certify to everyone that she is a donor to the SPA, or certify that she saves lives“, he adds about the one who recently said she was helping financially, Loana.
Jean-Edouard Lipa tackles Alexia Laroche-Joubert: Cyril Hanouna defends his friend
A character according to him “execrable” a thousand miles from the image she conveys to her friends, including Cyril Hanouna. This Saturday, November 2, 2024, the latter spoke in Facing Hanouna to defend the one who is accused of lacking “of humanism” and to have completely abandoned and manipulated the Lofteurs. “I will respond to Jean-Édouard. I have known Alexia Laroche-Joubert very, very well for years, Alexia is my friend, and I saw her character in the series and know that Alexia is much more sympathetic and human than the producer in the series”, he confided about the role of Isabelle de Rochechouart, played by comedian Anaïde Rozam in the series. Then, Cyril Hanouna reveals that he was even surprised to see his friend agree to appear in this role : “I was surprised that Alexia let go of this character that they portrayed because it's the complete opposite, it’s a love”. The PAF troublemaker concludes in these terms: “He (Jean-Edouard, editor’s note) is completely wrong about Alexia Laroche-Joubert and spitting in the soup bothers me.” Move along, there's nothing more to see!