Patients in critical condition have so far been safely transferred

Patients in critical condition have so far been safely transferred
Patients in critical condition have so far been safely transferred

Shortly before eight o’clock on Saturday, the first ambulance set off on a delicate mission.

The sign at the old location will be removed.

Karin Hofer / NZZ

Early this Saturday morning, the hot phase of a parade begins in Zurich, the likes of which the city has probably never experienced before. During ongoing operations, the Zurich Children’s Hospital is moving from the old location on Zürichberg to the new building on the outskirts of the city towards Zollikon.

That means: 65 children have to be moved, including those in critical condition. These must remain connected to medical devices without interruption and monitored by specialists.

To make this work, 25 ambulances from eleven emergency services from three cantons are in use. Because there is hardly any space on the winding streets around the old location, only a few of them can drive up at the same time – precise planning is necessary.

The vehicles are ready in the waiting room until the young patients can be invited.

Karin Hofer / NZZ

Shortly before eight o’clock the first ambulance sets off, and although it crosses thresholds and tram tracks with conspicuous caution, it reaches its destination just ten minutes later. There the young patient, who is tied to a crate, is greeted by a cheering crowd. Parents, hospital staff, and later clowns in sailor hats: their happy faces signal that everything went well. From then on, such scenes repeat themselves regularly.

At around half past ten a.m., those responsible took an initial interim assessment: More than half of the children had already arrived in the new building and the move was going according to plan.

The children’s hospital disappears from the residential area on Zürichberg.

Karin Hofer / NZZ

The patient transport marks the culmination of a 53-day move. As of now, the old location is no longer in operation. Shortly after eight o’clock, an era that lasted more than 150 years ends there. The signposts are packed in garbage bags so that no one goes to the emergency station, which is now closed. Shortly afterwards, the yellow lettering, the symbol of the children’s hospital, will also be removed – the letters will now be auctioned off.

This causes sadness for long-time employees, but for many, the joy about the new hospital in Lengg outweighs it. Especially with the parents who accompanied their children that day. Not only is there significantly more space in the new location than in the winding, visibly old old building, the rooms also appear friendlier.

More to come.



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