Fake Brad Pitt scam: “You shouldn't make fun”, Anne responds to her cyberstalkers on the set of C L'Hebdo – La Dépêche du Midi

Fake Brad Pitt scam: “You shouldn't make fun”, Anne responds to her cyberstalkers on the set of C L'Hebdo La Dépêche du Midi

Online romance scam: a well-established method for defrauding vulnerable people franceinfo

“Stop making fun of the victims!”: defrauded by a fake Brad Pitt, Anne launches an appeal against… BFMTV


“I’m in warrior mode”: Anne, victim of a fake Brad Pitt scam, responds to her detractors Europe 1

“I was not a fan of Brad Pitt”: Anne testifies for the first time on television in “C l’hebdo” Le Figaro



PREV Back to school day for Mayotte students: “We will never forget!” – cafepedagogique.net
NEXT ATP – Brisbane > Djokovic, before meeting Monfils (against whom he leads 19-0): “We met in the locker room after our matches today and we talked about it. I hope that my series against him will go well pursue”