They titled their post “Good Kisses from Phuket.” » The gendarmes of the motorized platoon of Mios (Gironde) received a postcard from Thailand on Friday, “probably from a client of the unit”, they explain.
A card “which did not fail to attract unanimous support”, they emphasize, so much so that they decided to publish it on social networks. We can read on it: “Four months may seem like a long time, but when you spend them in the sun, it’s easier. Afterwards, we can't blame you, we don't teach you discernment. »
“At least it’s safe not to drive in France”
Even if he does not specify what it is exactly, we feel the author is motivated by a little revenge against those who obviously recently took away his driving license. “This motorist, full of humor but still a little frustrated, lets us know that he is spending his four months of driving license suspension in the sun, in Thailand, confirm the gendarmes. Great good for him, very good decision, at least he is sure not to drive in France. »
-However, they do not fail to slip him a little “personal message” to warn him that they are waiting for him around the corner: “meet you when you return, and let us know his next vacation dates, it’s in a spirit of cohesion that we will wait well equipped with our binoculars, our breathalyzer and our drug screening kit. »