For many years, the Parisian or Ile-de-France motorist has been the favorite subject of mockery among provincial drivers. It suffers repeated attacks from the municipality to reduce the place of cars in the Capital with the choice of a reduction in the number of parking spaces, reduction of speed, implementation of traffic restrictions and more recently a pricing of linked parking to the weight of vehicles. Thus, since October 1, you have had to pay €18/h for a thermal vehicle weighing more than 1,600 kg, or an electric or hybrid weighing more than 2,000 kg.
Paris had followed Lyon and it is now Bordeaux's turn to do the same. No surprise since the last two are managed by environmentalists and we know Anne Hidalgo's aversion to the automobile.
In Bordeaux, this measure, which consists of a 30% increase in the current ratewill enter service on May 1st. It will concern vehicles weighing more than 1,600 kg for thermal models and beyond 1,900 kg for hybrid and electric models. According to the town hall, this represents around 10% of subscribers and 14% of visitors. Professionals will not be affected by this new system.
Without any surprise, the municipality puts forward well-known arguments: thus, according to the councilor, these vehicles have “a stronger ecological impact”, “generate more pollution and increase CO2 emissions”. They degrade Also “the roads faster” due to their weight and occupy “a more important place in public space (…) by their bulky volume (which) reduces parking capacity”.
-Bordeaux will therefore become, like Paris and Lyon, a city in which it will not be good to be a motorist. Underground parking concessionaires will be able to rub their hands.
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