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the heart has its own brain ????

The heart would be much more than an organ simply ensuring blood circulation. A study has highlighted the presence of a complex neural network within the latter, acting independently of the brain. This “mini-brain” could be the key to understanding certain heart diseases and, ultimately, to developing new treatments.

Traditionally, the heart was viewed as responding only to signals from the autonomic nervous system. This view was challenged by researchers at Karolinska Institutet and Columbia University, who discovered that the heart has a network nervous internal much more sophisticated. This system would be able to regulate certain cardiac functions, including heartbeatwithout the intervention of brain.

Scientists explored this intracardiac network using an animal model, the zebrafish. This has characteristics similar to those of the human heart, both in its structure and in its function. Researchers used various techniques to map neurons in the animal’s heart, revealing a complex organization and diversity of functions.

One of the identified neuron types plays an essential role in maintaining heart rhythm. Called cardiac pacemaker, it is essential for the regulation of physiological rhythms such as respiration and locomotion. This group of neurons is mainly located at the sinoatrial valve, a key site for the proper functioning of the heart.

Contrary to what was assumed, the intracardiac nervous system does not simply relay signals. It appears to be actively involved in the regulation of cardiac functions. This discovery challenges the traditional role of the autonomic nervous system in controlling heart rhythm and opens new perspectives on the understanding of cardiac disorders.

The study suggests that the interaction between this “mini-brain” and the brain could play a fundamental role in the heart’s adaptation to physiological changes, such as exercise or stress. Researchers also plan to study how disruptions in this neural network may be responsible for heart diseases, such as arrhythmias.

Another intriguing aspect of this research lies in the possibility of identifying new therapeutic targets. A better understanding of the role of the intracardiac nervous system could make it possible to design more targeted treatments for cardiac conditions, particularly in terms of rhythm regulation.

Work carried out on zebrafish advances the understanding of cardiac mechanisms, paving the way for discoveries that could influence treatments for heart disease. By continuing their research, scientists hope to clarify the exact role of this unique neuronal network and its interactions with the central nervous system.

This advance in the study of the heart could well disrupt current paradigms and offer new solutions for cardiac pathologies. Ultimately, this could even lead to a revolution in the management of arrhythmias and other heart rhythm disorders.


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