What if YouTubers who believe that the Earth is flat, but who are ready to confront reality, were ultimately more open-minded than our political class? Recently, an expedition bringing together in Antarctica YouTubers convinced that the Earth is flatand others, that it is round, showed that people opposed in ideas could reconcile in the same quest for scientific truth.
It’s a story as beautiful as a Christmas tale. Of an expedition combining those who are convinced that the Earth is flat, and those who know that it is round. The scientists could have just made fun of the flat people. On the contrary, they chose to organize a trip to Antarctica entitled The Final Experiment so that they align themselves with the evidence of science and realize that there is no wall at the end of the Earth.
On site, flat YouTubers note that during the southern summer, the Sun remains above the horizon 24 hours a daythat there is no sunrise or sunset, but constant daylight. Faced with this midnight sun, flat fans and in particular the most fervent among them, YouTuber Jeran Campanella, face the facts: the Earth is very round.
“Sometimes we make mistakes in life”
The honest man admits without hesitation, on his YouTube channel: “Okay guys, sometimes we make mistakes in life“. Ironically, some political figures would do well to go to Antarctica to see if together, and frozen with cold, they would not end up finding a solution to run our country. Our politicians are, unfortunately, much less open-minded than flat-minded YouTubers.
However, the moral of this story is that to create society again, we will collectively have to get out of our comfort zonethat we open our arms to those who do not think like us, and that we chart a common path.
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