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“Sometimes we are wrong”: a conspiracy theorist goes to Antarctica to prove that the Earth is flat and discovers that it is round

An enriching journey. An American YouTuber known for being a conspiracy theorist, and more specifically a supporter of the theory that the Earth is flat, traveled to Antarctica to prove his theory and share it with his subscribers.

Despite the numerous satellite images, the testimonies of astronauts and the countless scientific proofs which prove that this old theory is false, Jeran Campanella was one of the people skeptical about the shape of the Earth, who we call the “flatists”. He therefore decided to participate in “The Final Experiment”, a collaborative project between supporters of the flat Earth and those of the round Earth eager to settle the debate once and for all.

To verify their respective claims, several YouTubers supporting both camps went to Antarctica to observe the sun for a whole day, and verify that it is indeed present 24 hours a day, which would not be possible with a Flat earth.

On his YouTube channel called “Jeranism,” Jeran Campanella went live to address his 164,000 subscribers and reluctantly admit that he was wrong all along. “Okay guys, sometimes we make mistakes in life,” he admitted. “I thought there was no sun 24 hours a day, in fact I was pretty sure,” he added.

“Don’t listen to my beliefs or opinion, it shouldn’t matter to you. But you should at least be able to accept that the sun does exactly what these guys said, as far as circling the southern continent is concerned,” he says, adding that he has now changed his opinion.

“I realize I’m going to be called a charlatan just for saying that and you know what, if you’re a charlatan to be honest, then be one. I really believed there was no sun 24 hours a day… Now I really believe there is,” he concluded.


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