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Google puts an end to infinite scrolling of search results

A change is happening on Google. Indeed, the web giant has decided to put a definitive end to the infinite scrolling of search results!

The Mountain View firm buries another option from its catalog. After experiencing a smooth browsing experience and efficient, fast and unlimited search results, users will have to dive back into classic mode. Indeed, it is the company itself which has just announced this news which risks disappointing more than one. But why did you make such a decision? We’ll explain!

Google’s News Feed immersed you in a different universe with each scroll. Offering all kinds of information, various sites to explore and several new features, the famous search engine offered you a most immersive experience. However, nothing lasts forever!

In fact, the scroll endlesslywhich allowed access to information and results ” faster for more searches», comes to an end and gives way to classic scrolling. A spokesperson for the American company announced that “continuous scrolling was removed on June 25 from desktop search results, while the feature will be removed from mobile,In the coming months».

« In its place on the desktop will be the classic Google paging bar, allowing users to navigate to a specific page of search results or simply click “Following” to see the next page. On mobile, a button “ More results” will appear at the bottom of a search to load the next page“, reportsThe Verge.

A change that could impact users

According to the web giant, this option would allow Internet users to access more defined subjects and more precise notes. He explains to Search Engine Land what “The change is intended to allow the company to deliver results more quickly on more searches, instead of automatically loading those that users haven’t explicitly requested.“. The firm also emphasizes that this old alternative did not really arouse interest among users.

On the other hand,members of the marketing community are not indifferent to the situation that could well impact them. The reason being that currently, the senior management of the Alphabet subsidiary is preparing to impose more advertising in the results. As skeptical as the community, Internet users are of the same opinion and are unleashing themselves on X.

« I wouldn’t be shocked if this hurts clicks on bottom/top of page ads 2+», Comments a user. “Why not just display a page with Google AI, Reddit and the usual culprits? Who clicks on page 2 anyway?” asks another. So, will this change meet the needs and questions of users?

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