DayFR Euro

Hamois: “burns” in a BMW in a parking lot and an accusation of assault and battery

This young man had just bought a BMW 3 Series. Along with his brother and his ex-partner, he decided to test the propulsion in the parking lot located just opposite the Condruzien football field. “I had this bad idea of ​​acting like a puppet”recognize the person concerned. He does “burns” and thus throws stones at the few other vehicles parked there.

“I never believed he was a police officer”

Seeing the rodeo, a man who is at the football bar intervenes. “He was drunk. He told me he was a police officer and put his wallet against my window. I never believed for a single moment that he was really a police officer. He stood in front of my car , with his hands on the hood to prevent me from leaving, he said he wanted to call his colleagues. I was moving forward very very slowly and he was still moving backwards with his hands on the hood., explains the defendant. The latter then takes advantage of the man’s move to the left to turn right and leave.

The plainclothes policeman says he was hit, confirmed by an independent witness. The three people in the vehicle say the opposite. “I will always deny having harmed him”, adds the driver. The Namur public prosecutor’s office follows the police officer’s version and requires a 20-month suspended sentence against the driver as well as the confiscation of the BMW, and a 10-month suspended sentence against his brother, who at one point went out to push the police officer.

Conversely, Me Fery, for the defense, pleads for the acquittal of the duo who were unaware that it was really a police officer. “He wasn’t in office. They thought it was a hoax.” The same goes for assault and battery. “There is, in the file, no report of beatings and this gentleman refused any medical assistance.”


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