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Chrome improves on Android and iOS: here are the 5 new features to come

Google has just announced a new important update for Chrome, which closely concerns the Android and iOS versions of the famous web browser. These are innovations that mainly concern search tools, which will improve the user experience and speed up daily use. Let’s go see them together:

Chrome becomes more smartphone friendly
The innovations announced by Google are divided into 5 features. The first concerns a new option that allows you to view a business profile directly in the suggestions that Chrome displays in the search bar. As you can see in the screenshot below, for example by searching for the name of a restaurant, you will see the business card directly in the suggestions, with attached options that allow you to quickly call the restaurant , start browsing or read reviews. This innovation should already be available for Chrome on Android, while it should also arrive by the end of fall for the iOS version.

Next comes a new update to the Chrome address bar on tablets. The bar has been updated to always show the starting URL, making it easier to return to it as you type. This innovation is intended for both Android tablets and iPads using Chrome.

Chrome is now enriched with new shortcuts when searching for content. These shortcuts will be displayed in the drop-down menu that appears as you type, and will concern the most visited websites. If the user usually searches for the word “timetables” and then accesses a specific transport site, then the latter will be displayed at the top of the list of suggestions when searching for this term.

Trending searches are coming to Chrome. As soon as you open the search bar, you will see a drop-down menu that includes currently trending searches. This is a feature that aims to inspire users based on the most trending content. This feature is specifically for the iOS version of Chrome, as it has already been available on Android for some time.

New tabs relating to current sporting events arrive in the Discover feed, always connected to Chrome. These cards will allow you to view the status of the event in real time, displaying the updated score if it is a match.


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