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Luigi’s Mansion 2 remaster comes to Switch

“Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD”, a ghost hunt that doesn’t take itself seriously

Posted today at 7:58 a.m.

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Eleven years ago, we discovered “Luigi’s Mansion 2” on our Nintendo 3DS. Flirting between humor and horror, this “Ghostbuster”-style game won over a diverse audience at the time. The child in me still remembers the many ghosts that haunted the mansions and which made me jump more than once.

A deserved “remaster”

But our Nintendo 3DS have been gathering dust for a long time and our friend Luigi deserved a good facelift before being able to join a more modern console. Thing said, thing done. It is therefore with updated graphics and sound effects that “Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD” comes this Thursday, June 27 to our Nintendo Switch.

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If this version remastered is not as beautiful as “Princess Peach: Showtime!”, released this year, or “Luigi’s Mansion 3”, released on Switch in 2019, it is nevertheless satisfactory. Fans of the franchise will nostalgically rediscover the puzzles scattered throughout the mansions, while laymen will easily get drawn into the wacky adventures of Mario’s brother.

A ghost hunt

And what adventures! While the awful King Boo shatters the Black Moon that protected the Valley of Shadows, Professor K. Tastroff decides to call on Luigi to put things back in order. It’s trembling with fear that Mario’s brother arms himself with his famous Ectoblast 5000 (a vacuum cleaner reminiscent of the equipment from “Ghostbusters”) in order to go in search of the fragments of the Black Moon.

To do this, Luigi will have to visit five mansions. Each of them has its own identity and is haunted by a multitude of ghosts. Some are more cunning than others and you will have to be ingenious to capture those who stand in your way. Indeed, in “Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD”, the ghosts differ in color, appearance and strength. Therefore, they will not all be caught in the same way!

Between exploration and puzzles

“Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD” is an exploration game coupled with a puzzle game. To advance in the story, you will have to solve “puzzles” – sometimes simple, sometimes more difficult – while paying attention to the numerous traps present in each level.

The most attentive players will even be rewarded! Indeed, if you manage to find all the Boos in the same chapter, you will unlock a bonus mission. Enough to make you want to explore every corner of the mansions.

What about multiplayer?

“Luigi’s Mansion 3” had accustomed us to an absolutely brilliant cooperative mode. As a reminder, a second player could play Gluigi (the slime version of Luigi) and follow the first player throughout the main story.

In “Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD”, this cooperative mode does not exist. On the other hand, there is a multiplayer mode. This is in the form of minigames, where up to four players can team up to fight ghosts within a time limit. The difficulty is adjustable, as well as the number of floors on which you will have to fight your enemies.

Try to win the game

To give you your own opinion on “Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD”, with Nintendo we are offering the opportunity for two of you to win the game. A third person (the one with the most correct answers among those drawn at random ) will win a blue Nintendo Switch Lite in addition to the game.

To do this, answer our quiz and we will draw the two winners. Tuesday July 2 at 12 p.m.. The lucky winners will be contacted by email.

Please note, to participate in the competition, you must reside in Switzerland or have a Swiss postal address available.

Lauriane Sanchis is a journalist and social media manager for the Tribune de Genève, Le Matin Dimanche. Previously, she worked at the Geneva Tribune as a web editor and Free time as a web editor.More informations

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