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Tired of having to charge your devices? This nuclear battery has a guaranteed autonomy for life

An American company could revolutionize the energy sector with an ultra-efficient nuclear battery. As the latter can last for decades, it promises to transform various fields ranging from medical devices to space exploration, and even potentially electric vehicles.

Source : infinitypower

In a world in search of sustainable energy solutions, battery innovations play a crucial role. New generations of smartphone batteries, like those developed by OnePlus for our Android smartphones, promise high energy density and increased durability. Likewise, solid electrolyte technologies for electric cars, such as those from Talent New Energy, offer ranges of up to 2000 km. However, a Californian company goes far beyond these advances with a revolutionary nuclear battery technology.

Infinity Power, an American company based in California, recently presented a high efficiency nuclear battery. Using the energy of radioactive decay, it stands out for its exceptional performance and longevity. Developed with support from the Department of Defense, this technology could soon be commercialized.

This nuclear battery has an autonomy of a century

Infinity Power’s new battery uses nickel-63, a radioactive isotope, to generate electricity. The radioactive decay of it releases energy in the form of particles, which is then converted. This conversion is based on a new electrochemical method, where dissolved radioactive electrolytes create a wider channel for the collection of electrons and improve its efficiency impressively. While the conversion rate of standard batteries reaches around 10%, the latter exceeds 60%.

This nuclear battery therefore has several advantages. It offers a autonomy which can go up to a century, which clearly eliminates the need for frequent recharging. In addition, it provides a constant feeding. Unlike electric car batteries which do not like the cold, it is therefore insensitive to environmental conditions. This also makes it ideal for extreme environments or remote areas.

To guarantee its securityeven in the event of an accident, Infinity Power uses sophisticated containers to prevent any leak of radioactive materials. This technology allows for varied applications ranging from implantable medical devices to space exploration, and even electric vehicles, which would eliminate the need for recharges and offer them a almost unlimited autonomy.


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