DayFR Euro

Stay connected in and out of class with Classavatar

The links between teachers, students and parents are essential in the school process. In order for everything to work, everyone must be able to communicate easily. Asynchronous communication approaches have the advantage of reaching everyone when they can and continuing the conversation. This was of great use during the covid-19 pandemic.

Respect for personal data

Since this period, the Quebec government, and many others, have become aware of the flaws in the protection of personal data. Laws have been passed requiring public and private companies, large and small, to respect different data security criteria.

As a result, several software programs used by the education system to communicate were no longer compliant and had to be abandoned. A significant lack for parents and teachers who had found an effective way to stay in touch. Thus, Classavatar arrives by offering a solution which respects the criteria of the law while being easy to access for all educational stakeholders.


The teacher creates his account where he can manage his class (or its different groups). Subsequently, he will invite the students to join the application and his parents, if he has their email. He will then be able to communicate with them class rules, important events and share them with parents. Messaging is used for direct communications between individuals. And above all, everyone can create their own avatar.

This is the major aspect of the application. It is possible to design a wide variety of different avatars with numerous nods to popular culture, whether superheroes, Pokémon, The Simpsons, etc. Moreover, the teacher can reward good behavior in class by granting points to students who will be able to unlock elements for their avatar.

The app is still in beta and the developers are working on different upcoming features. They want to offer a portfolio section to track achievements during the year, implement voice messaging and create a mobile version. The application is intended to be free for all stakeholders at the moment. There will be a paid pro account for parents eventually which will give a little more advantages. The software will remain free of charge for teachers and students.


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