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Apple Intelligence: ultra-personalized AI

It was under the scorching sun of Silicon Valley, in the heart of Apple’s global headquarters in Cupertino, that Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) was held this week. The opportunity for the CEO, Tim Cook, and his colleagues, to make numerous announcements, including the release in France of the Apple Vision Pro, on July 12, at the price of 3,999 euros.

This headset, described by Apple as a space computer, immerses its user in a half-real, half-virtual, absolutely dazzling universe. A product that the JDD was also able to preview for almost an hour, with a select few. In just a few seconds, you’ll be amazed at how easily you can control the entire interface with your hands, your voice, and even your eyes.

With a glance or a gesture, we launch applications (messages, photos), surf the Web, watch a film or work in a totally immersive virtual universe.

Another highly anticipated announcement: Apple’s acceleration in terms of artificial intelligence, with the presentation of its Apple Intelligence, its own in-house AI, a new tool which, after feeding on our habits (messages, surfing, photos …) will be able to offer us an ultra-personalized experience.

Our smartphones will soon be able to self-select the notifications likely to interest us and ignore the most superfluous ones. “This all goes beyond artificial intelligence. It’s personal intelligence, and it’s the next big step for Apple», underlined Tim Cook.

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By also integrating Chat-GPT into its ecosystem, Apple promises to offer its users a system more intuitive than ever, capable, among other things, of correcting texts in depth, organizing daily tasks or even generating souvenir films from photos and videos.

In this sense, the presence in Cupertino of Sam Altman, the boss of OpenAI at the origin of ChatGPT, seemed to officially sign the start of a real collaboration between the two firms. An alliance which did not fail to make Elon Musk jump. In a terse tweet, the boss of Tesla and SpaceX immediately assured that he would ban iPhones in his companies… claiming “threats to data security» !

Note that Siri, Apple’s famous voice assistant, has also been completely redesigned and powered by AI. This precious tool (born in 2011) – now capable of “dialogue» itself with Chat-GPT – will also take much better account of the context of a request and the previous interactions of its user to better serve them…

Its update, like the installation of Apple Intelligence, will however only be available thanks to the arrival of iOS 18 (in the fall) – the new operating system for Apple smartphones – also presented , like all other new OS (iPad, Apple Watch…), during this WWDC.

Completely revised in terms of design, it will offer, among other things, a new particularly clever password manager in an independent application, a brand new Photos app and the possibility of programming the sending of messages. Other innovative functions developed thanks to this new OS, the “Tap to cash», which allows individuals who use it to send money to each other, simply by bringing their phones together.

Another major transformation expected in the Apple ecosystem, the new version of the operating system for its computers, called macOS Sequoia.

One option, the “mirroring», will allow you to use all the functions of your phone from the screen of your Mac. Practical, especially if you want to leave your iPhone in your pocket or bag, while using it remotely.

Especially since you can now exchange files (photos, videos) between your computer and your smartphone, with a simple movement on the screen.

A sign that these new features and options have convinced fans of the brand and investors: after the presentation, Apple immediately moved to the top of the stock market valuations, just ahead of Microsoft, which holds almost half of OpenAI’s capital…


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