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A Raphaëloise will participate in the show “Proprio à tout prix” on M6

The town of Saint-Raphaël will be in the spotlight on the set of the show “Proprio à tout prix” broadcast on M6. Indeed, Ève Perault, a real estate agent for ten years, will be the first official Raphaël expert on this show which values ​​properties in France.

After traveling the real estate world with different brands such as Orpi, Century and Plaza, she decided to create her own company in Saint-Raphaël: Votre R’Eve Immobilier.

For her, a real estate agent is a profession of passion. Recently, while going through her email inbox, she learned that the show was looking for an official consultant in the region. It didn’t take long for her to decide to apply. Filming will begin in the city of the Archangel at the end of June.

Preparations for filming

Eve is not intimidated by her first appearance on television. According to her, it doesn’t change from usual. “There will just be one more camera, real estate is also theater,” declares the consultant. During filming, she will have to follow a meticulous protocol. All his text will be scrutinized by the production team.

Regarding the goods that will be put up for sale, Ève is currently being selected. She has already found one and is looking for a second.

The first property is a bare ownership house. This designates the principle by which it is possible to be the owner of property without being able to make any use of it. Ève must work with people she trusts because the contracts are exclusive. Its customers must also respect the company’s specifications.

Business is business! The founder of “Votre R’Eve Immobilier” doesn’t do this show for nothing. “It’s important to stand out”affirms the Raphaëloise.

According to her, the show is a lever for her clients. Their goods will be highlighted, as will the name of its brand.

It’s time for the town of Saint-Raphaël to shine on the screens. Everything is done to lure the viewer. “The goal is to only film things that make you want to”, recognizes the agent. The living environment could attract people from all over France, encouraging them to visit or settle in the area.

A “feminist” real estate agent

Beyond notoriety and money, Eve wants to send a message of hope to women. “We must not put up barriers” she attests.

A single mother of three children, she managed to create her own business. She testifies that many mothers she met did not dare to get into real estate for fear of failing.

Ève deplores the under-representation of women in the real estate world. According to her, the majority of networks, agencies and franchises were built by men. His participation in ”Proprio à tout prix” has a taste of revenge. “I want to show that women and mothers can also run a business”declares Eve.


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