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Avowed will be playable in third person: new details on the Xbox RPG | Xbox

Microsoft had promised to show more Avowed gameplay after its conference trailer, and it did. It’s in a long video deep dive of almost 30 minutes that the game was detailed, with the demonstration of a third-person mode.

New details on Avowed

It is with the game director, Carrie Patel, that we discover new details about the new RPG from Obsidan, a specialist in the field. New environments are thus highlighted, as are new characters and the system of choices in the dialogues.

Also, the video presents us for the first time with a third-person view which will be possible to activate if you prefer to play that way. The video then continues with the presentation of the game menus with the inventory as well as the skill tree as in any good RPG. Of course, certain skills will have an impact on dialogues and unlock certain options.

Very faithful to the recipe, Obsidian obviously confirms that the world of Avowed will contain its share of surprises and that the game will reward the most curious players. Overall, the proposal seems very solid and the developers are confident to respect a release in 2024. The game is now in its last phase of development, the one which refines every detail before the release.

While it’s still unclear when exactly the game will be available, Obsidian’s official website was briefly updated after the Xbox conference with a message that said it would be “released on November 12, 2024.” The mention has since been removed, but nothing is really forgotten on the Internet.


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