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Le Mans. An intergenerational show is being staged at Espal

Since Monday, writer Fabrice Melquiot and sound engineer Sophie Berger have been bringing together teenagers, adults and retirees at Espal, the national stage of Le Mans. This group of around fifteen people participates over five days in an artistic project entitled Pamper everyone in unison.

The sessions alternate between interviews, discussions, writing sessions and theater practice workshops. With Sophie Berger, we welcome the stories of these people and what gives the poetic charge to a territory. All together, we will invent a collective story around notions like tenderness, delicacy and the idea of ​​taking care , details Fabrice Melquiot. The designer and co-author will write portraits of the participants, individual and collective.

Discover culture differently for residents

The Ambroise-Croizat autonomy residence, accommodation establishments for the elderly of the Le Mans municipal action center, is associated with this initiative. This collaborative and intergenerational project allows residents to escape their daily lives and discover culture differently. During the workshops, we can transmit to young people and we learn a lot from them enthuses Raymond, one of the residents.

Jeanne, also retired, agrees: I agreed to participate without knowing the content. I feel like I’m living a second life . A first year student, Timothée does not shy away from his pleasure. When the Carré Rouge team, in Quinconces, made me this atypical proposal, I quickly agreed. I’ve always wanted to do theater, it’s a great start confides the high school student.

Saturday May 25, 2024, at 6 p.m., presentation of the theatrical show Pamper everyone in unison at l’Espal, 60-62, rue de l’Esterel in Le Mans. Free admission.


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