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14 memes that describe our mood well when we are hungry

Having an empty stomach can turn even the nicest co-worker into an irritable monster. The proof in 14 memes.

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I would describe myself as a very friendly person, who needs harmony. But when hunger strikes – and it is not satisfied quickly – my good manners and politeness leave something to be desired.

It doesn’t matter if I’m with family, or if I’m at work: if I’m hungry for a long time, I can become naughty. My answers are then extremely brief, my face lengthens, and anyone who happens to be in my entourage will inevitably end up scolded.

Then, when I have swallowed my dozens of life-saving mouthfuls, I am obviously sorry for my past behavior.

Did you know this feeling has a name? When we feel angry because we are hungry, we say we are “hangry” – a mixture of the words hungry and angry.

Studies also confirm the link between hunger and feelings of anger – which obviously should not be an excuse for engaging in rude behavior just before midday.

So here are some memes that show what it’s like to be hangry.

Are you ready? LegoooOOOOooooo!!

Me filling the room with negative energy because I’m hungry.

What my girlfriend says: I’m hungry.
What she means: You have exactly 17 minutes left before I turn into a completely different person.

Me, when I’m hungry VS me after eating.

There’s a fine line between “I could eat something right now” and “I’m going to set this building on fire if I don’t find something to eat in the next 20 seconds.”

I apologize for what I said when I was hungry.

When someone tries to be funny around me, but I haven’t eaten yet.

This could very well happen (a second time):

A hungry photographer deletes all his photos and leaves after being denied a meal at the wedding.

The four types of headaches.

When you’re “hangry” and people put you to the test…

When your mother calls you for dinner, but the meal isn’t ready yet.

Lifehack: When you’re hungry, press your forehead to reduce the feeling of craving.

When you can finally eat after being “hangry”.

Me, receiving the “most dramatic person when hungry” award.

In summary…

For Barbara. Who was terrible when she was hungry, but was otherwise pretty solid.

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