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new regional service to safeguard wildlife ⋆ Savoir Animal

No more endless searches to find the right contact person in an emergency. From now on, when you encounter a wild animal in distress (or not) in , you can contact SOS Faune Sauvage Bretagne. The telephone mediation platform for this new regional service was implemented in May 2024.

At the start of the 2020s, a question arises: how to improve the care of wild animals in Brittany? At the time, the region lacked structures authorized to accommodate wildlife in distress. They are scattered across the country and have too little reception capacity, few qualified personnel and technical and financial resources to absorb the exponential increase in citizen demand.

The study financed by the Brittany Region and coordinated by the LPO Bretagne recommends in particular two key measures, from 2021. First, balancing the territory’s coverage by having four general care centers. Then, pool telephone mediation for all Breton stakeholders concerned.

From then on, all the care centers and a large part of the environmental associations of Brittany came together under a project coordinated by the LPO Bretagne and Les Terres de Nataé, supported by the Brittany region and accompanied by the Breton Biodiversity Agency (ABB ) to respond to the issues raised.

SOS Faune Sauvage Bretagne is the only regional-scale service in . Its objective: to collaborate with all the players involved in this stressed sector. The regional service provides a professional response to the growing number of requests from the public. The idea is to relieve healthcare centers, which are overloaded – and sometimes forced to close their doors temporarily – between May and September. By supporting animal discoverers, it filters cases and thus avoids unnecessary and counterproductive receptions at care centers (e.g. juveniles in emancipation, animals in perfect health, etc.). Care centers can thus devote as much of their time as possible to their purpose: caring for animals in distress.

SOS Faune Sauvage Bretagne regularly needs volunteers throughout the region in order to limit distances and travel times to move animals in distress. Contact the regional service by e-mail at [email protected] to obtain practical information.

For the moment, the regional service fulfills two missions. First, provide the most appropriate response to the various requests from the public, whether it involves solving cohabitation problems between humans and animals, or helping an animal in distress. Then, organize the movement of animals in distress to care centers, if necessary, with the support of volunteer repatriators.

During the 2024 season (from May to August), SOS Faune Sauvage Bretagne relied on a team of 5 full-time equivalents: Solène (coordinator), Quentin, Mélanie and Clara, employees of LPO Bretagne; as well as Morgane (employee capacity carer at Trisk’ailes) and Aline (chiroptera and cohabitation specialist at the Faune Éthique association). The team is made up of 3 full-time annual positions, reinforced in high season to offer the best response times to calls.

Since its creation, more than 7,000 requests have been processed by the regional service of which 76% concerned animal distress. The three animals most helped were gulls, European hedgehogs and black swifts.

SOS Faune Sauvage Bretagne aims to strengthen its collective to create a solid mutual aid network for wildlife. Thus, its orientation and monitoring committee meets several times a year, inviting all Breton stakeholders – associations, public and private – involved in the theme. He is also in discussions with the Order of Veterinarians of Brittany and the firefighters, key players in the care of animals. It is also linked to the prefectural services of the four Breton departments.

Finally, he wishes to bring together Breton private partners to support these local biodiversity issues.

The SOS Faune Sauvage Bretagne telephone switchboard is open 7 days a week, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., on 02 57 63 13 13with the possibility of leaving a voice message to be called back quickly. Outside of these hours, it is possible to leave a message at [email protected].

Link to the SOS Faune Sauvage Bretagne website:

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